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사람의 몸을 입고 오신 주님 (Bilingual)
요한복음 1:14

The Lord who came in a human body 

2015 미시아나한인교회 KM& EM 성탄절연합예배 요 1:14


It is time to celebrate the birth of our lord Jesus.

Also, It is time to hear my Korean American English Sermon.

My English is not perfect, but easy to understand if you open your heart and ears toward me.

What is Christmas? X-mas is Jesus’ birthday. Todays sermon title is  “The Lord who came in a human body. X mas is the day which God came in human flesh to this world.

Now,  my question is Why did God become a man? I want to talk about this subject with 3 points.


1st text: (John 1:14) The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us

 “말씀이 육신이 되어 우리 가운데 거하시매”


* Why did God become a man?

1. To talk with people

scripture said The word became flesh and indwelling among us

What is the word?

John 1:1  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” “태초에 말씀이 계시니라 이 말씀이 하나님과 함께 계셨으니 이 말씀은 곧 하나님이시니라”

- The word itself is God, the Creator, and the voice of Let there be light


- Our God is the God of words, God of communication. God loves to talk with people.

- In Old Testament age, God talked to people through Gods men: like Moses, Samuel, the prophets.


* But not many people can understand God. Why?

* God is spirit, but humans are physical being. God is infinity, but people are very limited. Humans are not smart enough to understand Gods words.

- So, God decided to lower himself to human's level. God decided to become a man to talk with people.


- Ex) 사슴사진 4One of my hobby is taking pictures. I am an artist as a photographer.

I saw a little deer was trapped inside of the iron fence which stood around a backyard lake. I tried to help him out from there. But, the deer couldn’t understand my intention. He was frustrated and he slammed his body to the fence, he was hurting himself. It was kind of easy. But what if the deer was trapped in the maze, trapped in the valley of death.

How can I make him to understand me? What if I become a deer, and speak deer’s language with kind and gentle whispering.

- Same as that, our God became a man to tell us which way is the right way to the heaven. 

- Our God wants to talk about love, peace and eternal life to guide us to heaven.  


* Leadership of Communication: 소통의 리더쉽

Nowadays, when people talk about leadership, they talk about the leadership of communication.

What is the leadership of communication? The leadership of communication is,  a true leader moves persons heart with humble and gentle talking with a listening attitude. 참된 지도자는 겸손하고 친절한 말과 듣는 자세로 대화하여서,상대방의 마음을 움직이는 것이다.  

A true leader solves problems with communication.

- God is the origin and model of the leadership of communication.

* Our Lord became a man to tell us the truth of eternal life with human language.



2nd text: For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet was without sin(Hebrew 4: 15). 우리에게 있는 대제사장은 우리 연약함을 체휼하지 아니하는 자가 아니요 모든 일에 우리와 한결같이 시험을 받은 자로되 죄는 없으시니라.


Why did God come in a human body?

2. To be with us and to experience our life

 "To sympathize" means experiencing and understanding of people's problems.

God came to this world in human flesh to be with us and to experience what we experience every day and to understand our problems.


* There are joyful and happy moments in human life, but also terrible moments.

 Oh--, there are so many problems in human life, such as sadness, struggling, loneliness, poverty, sickness, despairs, death. Trust me, the world is full of agonies, we face those every single day.

* As Moses said our life is but trouble and sorrow"“우리 인생의 자랑은 수고와 슬픔 뿐”( 90:10)


* While Our Lord Jesus stayed with us, he chose to experience the terrible side of human life rather than joyous moments.

* He had experienced poverty, lowly life, being criticized and attacked by his own people, being betrayed by His friend, being beaten, being mocked, being spitted on his face, and crucified on the cross. He experienced the fear of death.

* Our Lord Jesus came in a human flesh to experience the worst case of human sufferings to save us from our sins.



3rd text: (1 John 3:18) Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.” 자녀들아 우리가 말과 혀로만 사랑하지 말고 오직 행함과 진실함으로 하자”

Why did God come in a human flesh?

3. To act for His people


* Our Lord wanted to do something for his people.

 Our God is the God of action.  Our God is not only with words or tongue, but with action.

* Who is a true leader? A true leader is a leader who act: 행동의 리더쉽..

A true leader is not only who talk but also who act.


- Our Lord did not just sit on the most glorious throne, but He stepped down from the throne and came to people who were in misery. He took off His robe, pulled up His sleeves, even He knelt down before people who were sick and weak, and he touched the skin of leprosy, and healed all kinds of diseases and curses. Our Lord even raised the death to life. He put himself on the cross to save us. He did all kinds of acts to give us an eternal life.


* Since our Lord experienced our problems, He can forgive our weakness and troubles.

 He can help us when we are in trouble.

(Hebrew 2:18) Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.” “자기가 시험을 받아 고난을 당하셨은즉 시험 받는 자들을 능히 도우시느니라””

It does not matter what kind of problems you face right now. Jesus understands your problem, Jesus will help you out, and Jesus will solve your problems.


 Jesus inviting you (Matt 11:28) Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” “수고하고 무거운 짐진 자들아 다 내게로 오라 내가 너희를 쉬게 하리라”


Jesus knows that we are worn out, and under tons of burden. He wants us to rest under his wings.

Whoever you are, if you accept Jesus as your Savior and Lord, He will take care of your problems. He will heal your wounded soul. He will let you rest in his arm.

I bless you to find peace in Jesus Christ. 

I bless you have a wonderful and graceful X-mas.


  • 제목복음의 힘  
  • 본문로마서 1:16,17
  • 히트1231
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  • 설교일2015-12-06
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